Monday, February 15, 2016

Great opportunity to start a boat charter business

I see a huge opportunity to develop a boat charter business and I am current developing a website for it.
There is a huge demand for Island hopping, fishing and scuba diving but not enough boats. The Tune Time fishing boat was operating in Batangas but has just been brought down to Cebu to meet the demand.
Spoke to another charter owner who is sending two fishing boats to Siargao which holds annual fishing competitions that bring in participants from all around the world (the other thing Siargao island is famous for is surfing).
If anyone is look for a business opportunity in an almost untouched area I recommend creating a party boat. A friend of mine operates one in Phuket Thailand and its a great idea. Cebu is ready for something like this.
There is also an opportunity to setup a restaurant cruise boat.
One of the best things about this investment is you can own it and easily relocate it (even outside the Philippines) if you want to.
Anyone that is interested in such a business anywhere in the Philippines contact David Poley at

Tuna Time fishing boat has arrived in Cebu - available for charter

A new fishing boat has just arrived in Cebu. Fully equipped for fishing this boat will be located at the Cebu Yacht Club and is available for charter.

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